Best Content Types For Instagram Posts

Ninety percent of Instagram users report that they follow at least one business, which means that businesses have the opportunity to engage with current consumers, deepen connections with them, and spark the attention of prospective new customers.
Because the average time spent by adult Instagram users on the site is close to 30 minutes per day, you will need to think of some inventive things to post on Instagram to attract the attention of your followers.
What categories of content seem to do the best on Instagram?
On Instagram, engaging posts, original, relevant to a certain niche, inspirational, and actionable do very well. In addition, lessons and films showing what goes on behind the scenes are some of the content kinds that do very well on the site. There are a lot of moving components that go into making a fantastic post on Instagram. Some of these parts include carousels, tagging, and captions.
Which format is most popular among users?
The days when Instagram was mostly used for posting photographs with heavy filters have long since passed. In addition to brand new categories like Stories and Reels, the primary feed may now also include material in the forms of video and carousels in addition to photographs (in portrait, landscape, or the classic square).
Video content generates the most comments and likes on social media platforms throughout the world, with an average of 24.25 comments and 1097.9 likes per post.
The carousel postings are now in second place, but the competition is fierce. They are just slightly below the video in terms of average comments, with 23.2, and they have 933.7 likes.

Source: Hubspot Instagram Engagement Report
Image postings have a significantly lower average and median position than other types of posts. In the year 2022, this sort of information is no longer relevant or compelling.
The United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as North America, are exhibiting even more striking examples of this tendency.
The number of likes and comments generated by carousels is by far the highest, and the number generated by videos is significantly higher even than the number generated by single photographs. There is a possibility that this is because carousels may now display videos in addition to still photographs.
Why Carousels Were the Start Content?
Your ordinary customer is inundated with information. They do not want to always be bombarded with word-on-word content on their feeds. Information presented in manageable chunks, such as a caption and an image accompanied by a few lines of text, is more likely to be successful.
One of the best examples of using carousels to spread information in bite-size infographics is The Holistic Psychologist account.

IGTV, Stories, and Reels are three examples of video-centric content categories that aren't included in this statistic because they were just added as new features on Instagram.
Instead of simply adding this sort of material to the feed, marketers should explore the many avenues available to them this year rather than relying solely on the feed to distribute it.
Nevertheless, regardless of the information that they hold, it's plausible that carousels are fundamentally interesting media. After all, the process of swiping through carousels is a lot more involved than simply viewing a movie or gazing at a picture without doing anything else with your hands.
Carousel And Video Content Mastery:
1. Create an aesthetic that is on par with that of your other content types for these postings. This includes writing that is easy to read, stunning photographs, and colors that are both aesthetically pleasing and consistent with the brand.
2. Carousels are not just a collection of unrelated images slapped together; rather, they convey a single narrative through a series of images.
3. Create a cohesive narrative and aesthetic for your whole carousel of photographs by working together on their design.
4. Your carousel is a tale; you should carefully build it such that it draws the reader through the entirety of your post.
5. Start your presentation with a title slide that grabs the reader's attention and draws them in, and then go on to the meat of your presentation. Conclude with an unequivocal call to action that outlines the next measures.
Make The Most Of Instagram Stories By Using Videos:
Instagram users like viewing videos, and they particularly enjoy doing so on Instagram Stories. Stories are one of the most popular features of Instagram, with an average daily viewership of 500 million users.
The following is a guide that will help you write fantastic stories:
· Make sure that your writing is succinct.
· You just have a few seconds to capture the interest of your audience before they swipe to the next Story.
· Make sure the messages you send are timely and important.
· Provide the viewers with a cause to take immediate action before your Story is taken down. Phrasing such as "limited offer" has a good chance of being successful.
Stories are not the same as feed posts, which can be formatted in a variety of ways depending on their size and shape. Because people who use smartphones watch videos on their devices while holding them vertically, you should always design your content with this orientation in mind.
Using Memes:
You can add a sense of humanity and humor to your business by posting memes. Choose memes that are relatable to your audience and that you know will resonate with them. When executed correctly, memes have the potential to increase both brand recognition and consumer engagement. You will come across as more genuine to your audience if you establish an emotional connection with them.

Make an effort to keep them humorous, relevant, and relatable. Best case scenario? You go viral. What could go wrong? You appear to be retching. Therefore, before posting anything, you should probably acquire a second opinion.
Try Product Tags To Convert Customers:
Customers may be converted via Instagram's product tags and stickers, which are both unique formats for posts and Instagram Stories, respectively, that enable direct transactions to be made through Instagram.
Users have the ability to obtain further information about a product, such as its name or price, by clicking on product tags, for instance. If they click the button once again, they will be brought to a screen where they may complete the transaction.
Create Entertaining Instagram Reels:
A lot of companies don't utilize video on their social media marketing channels in general, but Instagram is one platform where they use even less video than they do on other platforms.
In the social context of today and today's world, video is essential, and including more of it in your feed can help you stand out from the crowd. It is up to you to decide what kinds of videos you want to make. You can post films about your products, videos that convey the story of your brand, vlogs, or Q&As.
Respond to Comments with Reels:
Creators on Instagram now can respond to comments made on their Reels by posting a new Reel. There are instances when words are not sufficient to give justice to an inquiry. You may take the concept of "show, don't tell" to a further level by using Reel reactions in your writing.

Throw A Question To Your Audience:
If you want your audience to interact with your material and even interact with each other, include a question in one of your posts on Instagram and encourage them to respond.

Giveaways and Challenges:
Engagement through competitions, games, and other tasks is a sort of content that does well on Instagram. This may be accomplished by hosting contests, games, and other tasks. They are known to be quite popular and interesting because they entail direct engagement from the followers of the account in question.
Make sure there is a prize waiting for the person who comes out on top. If you don't, your followers won't have any interest in what you have to say. You may host entertaining trivia games and quizzes, and the prizes can be any of your goods or services.
But How to Manage All Instagram Tasks By Yourself?
While performing all of these things, you could find that you need assistance managing your Instagram account. Therefore, the best way to avoid stress is to automate your Instagram schedule.
You may schedule your Instagram Stories, posts, and reels by using Postly:
You are in luck since Postly offers an Instagram scheduler that you can use to get a head start on preparing and publishing your posts because it allows you to do it in advance. After that, you'll be able to work your posts into the publication schedule for your various social media platforms, taking care to ensure that they are consistent with your other social postings and that they successfully integrate into any ongoing campaigns you may be doing.

You may create your own version of Instagram using a video or a picture, then post it to Postly using a URL or by directly uploading it from the device. After that, you can select the platform that you want to publish to.
You'll have the ability to alter a single post so that it appears on several social accounts across many networks, and you'll be able to accomplish all of this from a single page thanks to the functionality that the tool provides. In addition, you can select, in advance, the time of day during which your tales will be published.

Final Words:
You may save time by utilizing Postly to manage all of your social media accounts while also using some of these suggestions for posts on Instagram. You can schedule and publish pieces, as well as research with the audience and monitor success, all from inside a single dashboard.